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田島和子(KAZUKO TAJIMA)は、画家であり詩人でもある。彼女は地球上をくまなく歩くばかりでなく芸術の世界の旅人でもある。パキスタン滞在中にはさまざまなやり方で自分の芸術的表現を試みた。彼女の作品は地球上の現象や人々に対する興味だけでなく抽象的な世界にも情熱を持っている事を示している。
http://kazuko-tajima.at.webry.info/ そこには人間の精神の内と外との対話がある。彼女の最近の作品は従来画家が探求してきた風景画に属するものである。しかし彼女の風景画は単に風景を写し出すだけでなくその風景と一体化しようとする試みなのである。つまり彼女の風景画の本質とは外的な形態ではなくもっと基本的な概念なのである。



サリマ ハシミ (画家、批評家、国立ラホール美術大学元学長)





Fired Forest

Message from Salima, Artist

Kazuko Tajima, artist and poet, is a traveler who covers physical distans as well as
understanding artistic odysseys. During her time in Pakistan she has recorded her
reactions in diverse ways. The works have encompassed passionate enquiries
into metaphysical questions alongside poetic documentation of surfaces, places
and people.
There has been an interest in narrative, both the inner and outer.
In this most recent phase, she combines the essence of living together with an
exploration into organic materials and their behavior.
Those works are in fulfillment of an old desire of the artist to prove the nation
of the landscape. Yet that investigation is not to do with the picture or the
replica of the landscape, but more to do with experiencing it.
Perhaps the quintessence of the landscape lies in the basic idea rather than
its outer form or appearance.

Kazuko tajima is interested in defining the real world in terms of her own vision,
and in her prefrred medium. After having investigated an apparent way of recording
objects and ideas in paint and phptographically, she is now consciously
adopting a more distilled, austere vocabulary. The new works also incorporate
her vast experience in paper-making. in a sence, these work are a synthesis
in both from and content as they draw together Kazuko Tajima`s kaleidoscopic
explorations and bring them into focus. The landscape therefore, becomes
a mtaphor for something deeper and very personal. The use of soil and wood
meticulously sifted, ground,cooked, and mixed with glue gives one a sense
of the immediacyof nature and its wholeness. The materials are not only
suggestive of the concept of nature,they actually originate from it.
The materiald,strong in their organic prwsence, can also crumble to become,
fragile and speak of inheriting vulnerability of all man-made objects , susceptible
to destruction.
Kazuko interprets nature not through its profusion of color but throuth its
substance. The absence of color is hardly felt as one is drawn to the dense,
tactile surface and its tonal contrast. The light and darks in nature are
represented as them-selves; one makes one`s own associations between
earth and sky, day and night. The artist and viewer are freed from the search
for the representational and contemplates the shifted imagery to have both
time and distance.
In this exhibition, Kazuko has also included work more particular to
Pakistan`s human landscape. She looks at woomen, veiled, yet not invisible.
She suggests their strength and their insistence on being taken into consideration.
The use of charcoal and pig-ment is closely related in her use of organic
materials in the landscapes.
Kazuko Tajima`s latest works indicate a significant culmination of many
occurrences and pathways in her artistic journey, leading her to yet another threshold.

Salima Hashmi

Profile of Kazuko Tajima

2005 The Exhibition "Dialogue between Japanese and Korean artists
of 5 generation"(MARUKI Museum,Saitama)
2005 Solo Exhibition at Kumin G. Meguro Museum of Art (Tokyo)
2003 Exhibition with poet in Art Gallery BELLEVUE in Berlin
2003 Invited Painting Exhibitions in Durban, South Africa
by the International Literature Festival in Africa
2003 Invited the Exhibition of Philadelphia, USA
2002 Exibitions at CONTEMPORARY†ART FESTIVAL(Saitam Museum)
2001 Solo Exibitions at Nisshin Gallery,Tokyo
2000 Solo Exibitions at the Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad
Solo Exhibitions at Nomad Art Gallery, Islamabad
1999 Solo Exhibitions at Coopera Art Gallery, Lahore
1998 Exhibitions at CONTEMPORARY ART FESTIVAL(Saitam Museum)
1998 Solo Exhibitions at National Art Gallery (Islamabad)
by Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA)
1987- Joined Japan Afro-Asian Latin-American Artists
Association (JAALA); exhibited works every year
1992 Invited Solo Exhibitions at Publishing Association of Korea
by Cross Cultural Center for Asia (CCCA), Souel
Solo exhibitions, at Nisshin Gallery, Tokyo
1985 First Solo exhibitions, at BungeiShunju Gallery,TokyoA°@
1978-95 Organized the Art Institute for 21st Century in Tokyo
1976 Traveled in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
1975 Traveled in London, Egypt and Greece.
1973-75 Studied classical painting techniques of Renaissance art in
Italy (Florence), France (Musee Louvre),Germany.
1969-73 Studied at Women's Art University, Tokyo (oil painting)

Art works for picture books and her own poetry collections:
The Lonely Fox, Gaudi's Ocean,Cloud Tales published by
Oxford University Press 1999 and Along the Aabpara Market Wall.

Address: 1-16-10, Nakane, Meguro-Ku,Tokyo JAPAN
Tel/Fax: (0081-3)3718-5260
E-mail: kazuk_333@yahoo.co.jp


田島和子 http://kazuko-tajima.at.webry.info/ 
  2008  アメリカ北アリゾナ大学にて、現代日本アートで作品展示
  2007 埼玉県立美術館CAF展での展示(隔年)
  2006 パリのコンパレゾン(仏、パリ、グラン・パレ)での展示
  2005 「日韓五世代の対話」展 原爆の図丸木美術館 
  2004  ビーコン美術大学(ラホール)、
      ベツレヘム・インターナショナルセンター(パレスチナ)のワークショップで                                              パレスチナの人々へ創作のための紙漉きを教える
  2003  ギャラリーベルビュー(独、ベルリン)で 詩画展( 詩、木島始)
  1998 −CAF(コンテンポラリーアートフェステイバル)参加、埼玉県立美術館
  1988 −2001 日辰ギャラリー(東京)で隔年に個展
  2000  ロータスギャラリー(イスラマバード)で個展。ノマドアートギャラリー
     ( イスラマバード)で個展
  1999  コーペラアートギャラリー(ラホール)で個展
  1998  パキスタン国立美術館(イスラマバード)で個展
  1987−96  JAALA展(日本・アジア・アフリカ・ラテンアメリカ美術家会議)参加
  1981−95  美術研究所主宰
  1992    ソウル、韓国出版会館で個展(アジア文化交流センターの招待)
  1985    文芸春秋画廊で個展(東京)
  1976−75  インド、ネパール、バングラデシュ、エジプト、ロンドンを旅行
  1975−73  イタリア、フランス、ドイツの美術館でルネッサンス美術、古典技法を学ぶ
  1969−73  女子美術大学(洋画科) 

   詩集「風のまなざし」1985,「楽しい稲妻」土曜美術社,1998 に収録




